Concert Band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Jazz Band 1, 2
Percussion Ensemble 1
Beginning Band
Mixed Choir 1, 2, 3, 4
Tenor/Bass Choir 1, 2
Treble Choir 1, 2, 3
Madrigal/Chamber Choir 1
Show Choir 1, 2
Jazz Choir 1, 2
Pop Choir 1, 2
Beginning Choir
Full Orchestra 1, 2
String Orchestra 1, 2, 3
Beginning Orchestra
Groups Representing High Schools of 2,220+ Students in Grades 9-12
Groups Representing High Schools of 1,230 – 2,219 Students in Grades 9-12
Groups Representing High Schools of 515 – 1,229 Students in Grades 9-12
Groups Representing High Schools of 230 – 514 Students in Grades 9-12
Groups Representing High Schools of 105 – 229 Students in Grades 9-12
Groups Representing High Schools of up to 104 and below Students in Grades 9-12
Groups Representing Middle Schools (up to 9th grade) of 650 + Students, not including 6th Grade enrollment
Groups Representing Middle Schools (up to 9th grade) of 250 – 649 Students, not including 6th Grade enrollment
Groups Representing Middle Schools (up to 9th grade) of up to 249 Students, not including 6th Grade enrollment
Groups Representing Elementary Schools (up to 6th grade) of any enrollment
Special classifications not included in the above descriptions.
Example: All-District ensembles, home school and composite ensembles, colleges and jr. colleges are in the “S” Class unless they meet the above descriptions. “S” Class groups are not eligible to win “Overall Outstanding.”
All category or classification changes must be made 21 days prior to first day of festival event. Ensembles making changes after this date will only be eligible for comments and rating award.
INSTRUMENTAL ENSEMBLES: Each performing group will be allowed TWENTY-FIVE (25) MINUTES in the warm-up area and a FIVE (5) MINUTE transit/setup time on the stage. The time on stage begins with the first note of the performance and shall be a maximum of TWENTY-FIVE (25) MINUTES, including any warm-up, special tuning, breaks between movements, and time between selections. Groups that exceed the 25 MINUTE performance time limit are at risk of being disqualified unless prior approval has been given.
CHORAL ENSEMBLES: Each performing group will be allowed TWENTY (20) MINUTES in the warm-up area and a FIVE (5) MINUTE transit/set-up time on the stage. The time on stage begins with the first note of the performance and shall be a maximum of TWENTY (20) MINUTES, including any warm-up, breaks between movements, and time between selections. Groups that exceed the 20 MINUTE performance time limit are at risk of being disqualified unless prior approval has been given.
ALL ENSEMBLES: If desired, a ten minute on-stage performance review is available at the conclusion of the allotted performance time. The performance review option must be selected at the time of registration.
Groups requesting additional time must submit a written request at the time of registration.
The Director must furnish THREE (3) sets of original scores with the measures numbered on each piece to be performed. (we will not mark on the scores) Show, jazz, and pop ensembles may or may not furnish scores. DUPLICATION OF PUBLISHED SCORES IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER! If original scores are not provided, ensembles may still perform, but will not be adjudicated. A participation trophy will be awarded and the ensemble will not be considered for class awards.
If attending a Director’s Choice Festival, we would prefer you only perform published music that you have purchased. If you are performing an arrangement of a copyrighted song, you will need to prove you have permission for the arrangement. If proof is not available at the site, Director’s Choice and our recording contractors cannot produce an archival recording.
Recordings provided by Director’s Choice are for archival purposes only. A mechanical license must be obtained if you intend to distribute. Director’s Choice and its recording contractors are not responsible if you choose to distribute these recordings without a mechanical license.
BAND AND ORCHESTRA: Director’s Choice will provide music stands, chairs, director’s podium, acoustic piano, chimes, xylophone, marimba, vibraphone, concert bells, four timpani, and a concert bass drum. Students must assume responsibility for bringing all sticks, mallets, and any equipment not listed above.
INSTRUMENTAL JAZZ ENSEMBLE: Director’s Choice will provide music stands, chairs, an electric receptacle, and an acoustic piano. Any group needing an expanded sound system (multiple microphones, monitors, speakers, electric pianos, synthesizers, etc.) must supply their own units.
CHORAL ENSEMBLE: Director’s Choice will provide an acoustic piano, choral risers, (3) microphones, and director’s podium. No special lighting will be provided. Any group needing an expanded sound system (multiple microphones, monitors, speakers, electric pianos, synthesizers, etc.) must supply their own units. Ensembles must setup and sound check any additional equipment during the assigned performance times.
ALL ENSEMBLES: Each performance group MUST supply a setup chart (to be inspected when turning in the judges’ numbered scores) and an individual to confirm the setup crew arrangement of chairs, stands, piano or other necessary equipment before the ensemble enters the stage.
Typically, the equipment list is available at least 30 days prior to the event date through the group’s MDC account. If you do not see the equipment list by this time or have questions about it, please contact your travel consultant.
Ensembles may choose from three possible adjudication options:
Competitive* (Ratings and Competition)
Noncompetitive (Ratings Only, No Competition)
Comments Only** (Judges Comments, No Rating, No Competition)
* If duplicate personnel are used for like ensembles, only one of the ensembles may compete.
** Ensembles that elect the Comments Only option will receive a trophy for musical achievement .
Ratings are noncompetitive. All ensembles will be judged against a national standard. The Director’s Choice rating system, based on the quality of music performance, is:
Superior Excellent Quality
Each of three adjudicators will assign a rating to each performing ensemble. The overall rating will be determined by dropping the highest and lowest adjudicator ratings. Each ensemble that has elected to receive a rating will be awarded a trophy reflecting their rating.
Class Awards: In each varsity category (i.e. Band 1, Mixed Choir 1, String Orchestra 1, etc.), an Outstanding In Class and Runner-Up In Class trophy will be awarded from ensembles that received an overall Superior rating. Non-varsity ensembles that receive an overall Superior rating will be eligible to receive an Outstanding In Class or Runner-Up In Class trophy only if two or more ensembles are competing in their category. In rare cases, adjudicators may choose to award an Outstanding In Class trophy to a non-varsity group in a category where there is only one performing ensemble. A group must earn a Superior rating to be considered for a class award. “S” Classification ensembles are eligible to receive an Outstanding In Class Award.
Overall Outstanding Awards: A high school and junior high school/middle school ensemble from each contest site may be selected as the Overall Outstanding Band, Choir, or Orchestra. Only ensembles that are named Outstanding In Class will be eligible to receive these awards. “S” classification ensembles are not eligible to receive an Overall Outstanding award.
Award Ceremonies are available in select cities: Dallas, San Antonio and South Padre Island. Ensembles not attending award ceremonies in these cities will need to make arrangements to pick up or ship trophies. The Site Coordinator will have information regarding the time and location to acquire any additional trophies awarded.
Ensembles performing in cities without award ceremonies will receive rating trophies on-site prior to group departure from the performance venue. If an ensemble is awarded a Class Award or an Overall Outstanding Award, arrangements must be made to pick up or ship trophies. The Site Coordinator will have information regarding the time and location to acquire any additional trophies.
Trophy pick up or shipment is the responsibility of the ensemble director to coordinate with Director’s Choice event staff. Ensembles not attending the Awards Ceremony can pick up their trophies as instructed by the Site Coordinator or pay to have trophies shipped. Each trophy has a $30 shipping fee. We can include this in your package price. If trophies are awarded and not acquired at the event, Director’s Choice Travel Consultant will invoice for any trophy shipping fees.